Courses for




We have courses for baby pups, adolescents & dogs. Scroll down for details

All of our work is based on understanding how dogs think and learn, how posture and stress responses affect learning and behaviour and how to make use of that knowledge when communicating with and teaching our dogs.

The joy of this approach is that we never need to handle our dogs harshly or in a way they can't comprehend, or find confusing or frustrating. Understanding, observations, time, thought and effort, calm and quiet handling are the most powerful teachers!!

The family learns how to build the connection and bond with the pup or dog, so that teaching skills such as recall, relaxed lead walking etc becomes instinctive and relaxed, rather than a hard work task! Its puppy training and dog training ….. plus so, so much more!

Our classes are small, maximum 5 pups in indoor pup training classes and 6 dogs in outdoor courses for older pups and dog training. Courses are friendly and fun for the human too!


Puppy Courses

We offer courses suitable for puppies throughout their development.

  • plan in advance for the arrival of pup (Pre-Pup)

  • for the early weeks before pup can go out (ZIP)

  • going on to pups who need coaching, life skills and socialisation (BIOP)

  • followed by the pup progression course (PP)

    read on for details…..


This can be 1 or 2 online session(s) to answer questions and concerns about introducing a pup into a household. Advice about discussions to have with the breeder, ideas for managing the journey home, info about the pup’s early needs and how to meet them, good practice for setting up the home, preparing children, introducing to other family animals and so on. Really helpful!!

Zoom Infant Puppy Course (ZIP)

For the early days before their second inoculation.

This information-rich, 2 session online course will help you enjoy the early weeks and avoid some stressful pitfalls!

Learn practical management techniques to help with toilet training, sleep patterns, introducing a crate or pen, achieving calmness, how to deal with mouthing, teething & chewing, and more.

Understand your pup’s needs and how his/her emotional and physical responses are formed.

Build a good strong loving relationship with pup.

Build confidence, and eagerness without over-excitement!

Learn good practice for exercise and socialisation, and how to teach them to feel safe when alone.

The personal ZIP course includes:

  • Two interactive online Zoom meetings of 30 minutes (usually around 1 week apart)

  • Study notes by email with theoretical and practical learning topics.

“Thank you so much for a really good Zoom session yesterday and also the notes and videos. You gave us masses of information and some excellent ideas. I know it’s early days but we’ve already seen some changes in pup’s behaviour today. He’s been much calmer and has been less ‘bitey’! He had a very relaxed breakfast and lunch that each took him about 45mins to complete!” LA

Bonding Indoor & Outdoor Puppy Course (BIOP)

Ages: for puppies aged between c. 10 to c. 17 weeks at start date

There are TWO 45 minute SESSIONS each week for 5 weeks:

  • 5 x Indoor sessions on Tuesday evenings in Hamble (maximum 5 pups)


  • 5 x Outdoor sessions on Sundays in Bursledon

a total of 10 sessions plus very useful 15 minutes personal phone support.

The Tuesday sessions are indoors where the pups will learn, connect & bond with their humans.

On Sundays, they will interact with other pups in managed outdoor sessions, with the aim to build confident and relaxed dog to dog communicators. They also practice their indoor learning in the Real World!

This combination gives pup a first-rate grounding in all the training basics plus building their connection with the family, confidence, proprioception, social skills, & ability to ignore distractions.

Study notes form an important part of the course, as they expand on, and add to, the info given in sessions.

2 people can accompany pup in both locations.

When To Start BIOP

The indoor and outdoor start dates can be staggered to suit inoculations.

Start indoor sessions as soon as possible around 10 weeks of age, after pup has had first inoculation. They can be carried into and from the clean environment of the hall before they have their 2nd inoculation.

The outside sessions are started after second inoculation.  

Start as early as you can, they are in prime learning time!!!!!!

A new BIOP course usually starts every 3 weeks.

Contact Us for details, dates, prices and to book

Puppy Progression and Adolescent Courses

Outdoor courses to allow older pups and adolescents to develop their knowledge of the world, build a really strong bond with the family so that recall, relaxed lead walking, good manners all develop naturally and without stress!!

We meet pups and dogs in a 121 session before they start the courses, so that the family can get help to overcome any concerns or frustrations they have, develop communication skills and know what to expect from the course. (the 121 is not generally needed if pup did a BIOP course)

Contact Us for details, dates, prices and to book

Adult Dogs

Dogs are intelligent, eager animals who love to use their brains.

In past years, we have always offered a wide array of courses to develop, entertain and challenge.

Sadly, in 2024, we can't offer so much variety as Gracie is away with her new baby and I have reduced my hours, but we will offer some of these older dog courses or workshops over the summer holidays.

Watch out on Facebook for details.

Meanwhile, a personal 121 will give ideas and lots to work on. 121s are available throughout the year.

Here’s a headline list of courses we used to do and are likely to resume as soon as we have capacity. Remember, we can cover these subjects in a 121 meanwhile, so feel free to contact us if you are interested.

  • Lead on   Learn and practice ways to help make walking a pleasure.

  • Emergency Stop The ability to get your dog to drop down and stay still at a distance can be a life saver.

  • Recall If you’ve great recall when there are no distractions, and rubbish recall when there are, this is for you!

  • Clever Canines  fun and interesting … get your dog thinking and working things out.

  • Gun Dog Retrieving a highly rewarding activity especially for those dogs who have been bred to retrieve.

  • Chase Control  controlling the chase instinct whether it's deer, cars, joggers, cats, squirrels, picnics

  • INAN for dogs who'd say "I'm Not Always Nice"

  • Whizzbang! For dogs who struggle with fireworks and thunder, or other noises

  • Calming building positive experiences and relaxation

Contact Us if you’d like to explore 121 meetings while waiting for the adult courses to resume.